February is already coming to end and with it American Heart Month. This week is the perfect time to reflect on your family’s heart health, and the steps you can take to make sure you are all able to live healthier, longer.
Here are 5 heart healthy changes to make for the whole family:
- Add omega-3 to your diet! Whether you start taking our TruMega® liquid fish oil on a daily basis, incorporate our pasta sauces into your weekly meal plan or simply start eating more walnuts or fatty fish like salmon, make sure you and your family have a regular serving of omega-3 every week.
- Reduce your salt intake! Salt is a contributor to high blood pressure. Try using other natural herbs and spices to flavor your foods instead.
- De-stress! One good method for doing this is to unplug. Set aside 15 min – 1 hour a day, in which you cut yourself off from your phone, email and TV, and focus on other things, like taking a walk, reading a book or simply meditating.
- Exercise! Regular exercise not only strengthens your heart muscles, it also reduces heart-harming fats and boosts your mood.
- Quit smoking! Smoking and second hand smoke increase the risk for developing heart disease by a long shot. According to recent studies, a person begins to improve their heart health within minutes of quitting. Even if you’ve smoked for decades, a year after quitting the habit you will have reduced your risk in half, and after ten years of being smoke free your risk will be the same as a person who never smoked.
By making these lifestyle changes, you and your family will be on the right track not only to healthier hearts, but also to living healthier lives. Click here to learn more about Omega Foods, and the amazing benefits of omega-3.
Photo Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/marfis75/3948993934/